Hello! In this 30-minute lesson, we will strengthen our whole body with the 'Pilates Band'! Thanks to the Pilates Band, some exercises will be easier, while some exercises will be more difficult and more effective with the band! If you want, you can easily do this entire 25-minute lesson at the same time, or a certain part of it every day. Stay healthy, have good exercises! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pilates Mat we use in this lesson: https://www.sissel.com.tr/urun/sissel... *** WHEN ORDERING FOR A SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR YOU: Use the code BARISMAT! Piates Band: https://www.sissel.com.tr/urun/sissel... *** WHEN ORDERING FOR A SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR YOU: Use the code BARISBAND! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barış Özdemir and his wife's clothes: Bilcee: https://www.bilcee.com/ ❗️(You should not have any health problems that will prevent you from doing the exercises) For Code Pilates Online Lessons and Code Academy Instructor Trainings: https://www.codepilates.com/ - 05444659465 For 100% Pilates and 100% Movement, join CODE! If you liked our videos, stay tuned for our new videos! Don't forget to like and SUBSCRIBE to our channel to show your support :)