Antonio Oliveira Bemvindo, born on November 3, 1950, in Cachoeira do Itapemirim, in the state of Espírito Santo. He went to Rio de Janeiro when he was only 6 years old. In 1964, he took over the Capoeira Cativeiro Group, which belonged to Mestre Celso Pepe, and later on April 23, 1964, he created his own group, calling it Grupo de Capoeira Corda de Bambas. Mestre Touro became a reference for many capoeiras in Rio de Janeiro and around the world, not only for preserving the characteristics of capoeira, of capoeira from Rio de Janeiro, but also for his rich knowledge of Brazilian history, and for important facts and dates involving capoeira's struggle for survival. What did you think of the games and the singing in this circle? Leave your comment. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO KEEP THE CHANNEL ON AIR!!! SUPPORT THE UNMISSABLE COLLECTION COMPLETE RODA with over 2 Hours and ON THE CHANNEL www.CapoeiraVIva.net, without ads. : HELP THE CHANNEL GROW. A small contribution of 30 Reais gives you full access to over 300 hours of the Collection for 1 month. Access the Video QR code and have access to all the Content of the Collection. ↪www.CapoeiraViva.net↩ ::::::: 🔵Your support is essential to keep the collection available and gives you access to our entire collection. ➕ 250 videos ➕ 400 hours of exclusive content. Capoeira circle founded by Master Ananias from Bahia in Republic Square, São Paulo, Brazil, where several Capoeira greats passed through, such as Master Suassuna from the Cordão de Ouro Group, Master Camisa from Abada Capoeira and Senzala from Rio de Janeiro and several other capoeiristas from Capoeira Regional, Capoeira Angola and Street Capoeira. FULL CIRCLE ON THE CHANNEL, ACCESS!!! www.CapoeiraViva.net INSTAGRAM: @capoeiraviva #rodaderua #mestreananias #CapoeiraVivaNet #CapoeiraViva #capoeirarepublica #rodarepublica #capoeirussia #capoeiraregional #capoeira #capoeiraangola #berimbau #mestrejoel #capoeirasp #capoeirarepublica