Massimo Cacciari - Present, Future and Catastrophes in the Thought of Ancient Greece and Today. “You will know the future when it has arrived; before then, forget it.” Sophocles In collaboration with the Cantonal Libraries. Presented by Stefano Vassere. Lugano, 7 November 2022 http://associazione-nel.ch/ / fareartenelnostrotempo / farearte With the guiding thread Visions in dialogue, a series of study days are organized, at least two a year, on themes concerning art and society, art and identity, art and science, art and culture, art and method, with an art history specialist, one or more internationally renowned artists and a philosopher or historian or scientist invited to discuss the theme of the day according to an interdisciplinary model. The association's website, in addition to information on its activities, presents each of the days on the chosen themes with preliminary information and subsequently reports the contents with short films of the conferences, photographs and biographies of the speakers.