Support Blast, a new independent media: https://www.blast-info.fr/soutenir “The national novel lies. French identity does not result from the alliance of Gallic bravery and Roman administration, all crowned by Christian goodness. Not only that. Not only was France not only Gallic and Roman, but France was not only Christian. Even in its relationship with Jesus. Even in its relationship with Jesus, the national novel lies. By omission. By forgetfulness. The following story takes place both after the death of Jesus in Jerusalem, a century and a half later in Lyon, and in the 4th century after the baptism of Emperor Constantine, when Christianity was becoming the official religion of the Empire. These three moments are inseparable. These three moments create relationships between them that will bear very particular fruit in the future. It is a story that knocks very mysteriously on the door of our time. The subject of this story is love. And at the heart of this story, there is a woman: Mary Magdalene. Welcome to The Empire Never Ended. My name is Pacôme Thiellement. I am not a historian. I am an exegete. In this program for Blast, I am doing an exegesis of our history in this territory that we have become accustomed to calling France. It is subjective, and even very subjective, even if we try to be as rigorous as possible. So, as the other one would say, if you don't like my History of France, write your own. The Empire Never Ended. Episode 3: Mary Magdalene and the States General of Love » Author: Pacôme Thiellement Director: Mathias Enthoven, Ameyes Aït-Oufella Editing: Ameyes Aït-Oufella Sound: Baptiste Veilhan Graphics: Morgane Sabouret Production: Hugo Bot Delpérié Program Director: Mathias Enthoven Editor-in-Chief: Soumaya Benaïssa Editorial Director: Denis Robert Website: https://www.blast-info.fr/ Facebook: / blastofficiel Twitter: / blast_france Instagram: / blastofficiel #PacômeThiellement #Church #Empire