SYNOPSIS: MARX: ALIENATION AND DISCOMFORT IN CULTURE (Néstor Kohan). What are the social roots of discontent in the culture of capitalism? Commodification of life, dictatorship of money and savage dominance of selfish calculation. Unbridled individualism and crushing of qualitative links between people. Surveillance and control: the end of intimacy. The buying and selling of people as the antithesis of love and friendship. Contemporary capitalism as a dark anti-utopia: irrational violence, widespread anguish. The false path of “self-help” and “spirituality” that is bought and rented in the market. The social foundations of stress, the growth of suicides and mass drug use. Objectification of social relations and people, personification of things. Philosophical sources of alienation and main manifestations in the critical analysis of daily life. The “Economic Philosophical Manuscripts of Paris” (1844) in Marx’s thought and in later Marxisms. Comparison with the “Theses on Feuerbach” and “Capital”. Marxist theory of alienation and theory of fetishism (continuities and discontinuities). Marxist humanism, ecology and socialist revolution. Open debates and future challenges. MEMORY OF THE FUTURE PROJECT. Brancaleone Films and Che Guevara Chair: www.amauta.lahaine.org If it is muted on YOUTUBE, this video is also on Vimeo: vimeo.com/107106077 Share it on Facebook and by email... Help us spread the word...