Online course INTUITION by Martin Zoller (now with a 30% discount): ► https://www.mystica.tv/akademie/intui... Martin Zoller is one of the most famous seers of our time. In a talk with Thomas Schmelzer, he talks about current experiences and insights and also answers questions that are asked again and again. There have been #prophets at all times and all over the world. Martin travels a lot and is always in contact with colleagues and experts to learn from them. People with this gift do not have a uniform point of view; some are very spiritual, others are not. But helping people is what unites them. How does Martin deal with difficult questions? How has his prediction about Trump come true? We are not facing easy times, but things will get brighter around 2029, 2023, that is his view of our future. #martinzoller is an author, seer, consultant and media consultant for strategic intuition. He gained international fame when he used his extraordinary intuitive instincts to locate a passenger plane that had crashed in the jungles of Bolivia - a success story that impressed after all other searches had failed. In Germany and Bolivia he presented his own television shows that dealt with intuitive and parapsychological topics and reached a wide audience. Zoller's mediumistic abilities have made him a sought-after seer and mediumistic consultant who has predicted numerous significant events. Zoller's ability to analyze the human aura is particularly remarkable. With his sixth sense, he decodes personalities, recognizes potential and provides insights into future developments. Requests from all over the world for advice on professional, private issues and personal growth confirm his expertise. Politicians, lawyers and managers work closely with him to develop innovative strategies. Zoller is now one of the most renowned mediumistic consultants in the world. He is invited to give lectures and seminars internationally in which he speaks about his prophecies, the power of intuition, remote viewing and many other topics. His impressive work includes nine books, six meditation CDs, an award-winning documentary about shamanism, and numerous articles and reports that underline his expertise. https://de.martinzoller.com/ Online course INTUITION - THE COMPASS FOR YOUR SOUL by Martin Zoller in the #mystica Academy: ► https://www.mystica.tv/akademie/intui...