Period. IRT Diagnóstico de Ideas was held on October 6, 2016 at the RosTower Hotel in the city of Rosario. The Occupational Medicine company organized an event that had as speakers Estanislao Bachrach and Martín Vazquez, two figures who propose to discover what is new in the universe of the individual and organizations. “At IRT we take another step in the continuous improvement of our professional services. As leaders in medicine for companies, we are aware that it is essential to be at the forefront of knowledge and innovation, which every day transform the world in general and our work in particular.” Martín Vazquez has a PhD in Molecular Biology and is Scientific Director of Bioceres. He has been a member of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) since 1999, where he currently works as an Independent Researcher. Since 2010 he moved to Rosario where he set up the country's first high-performance genomics platform at INDEAR, where more than 200 projects from all over the country were carried out using genomic sequencing.