Yaw Let, Zin Waing, Aung Khaing, Thun Sunadi, Min Zaw Drama Story - Mone Ya Way (My Throat) Screenplay - Moe Naing (Oil Stream) Director - Zaw Htun Thiri tells how her adoptive grandfather, U Pho Kyaw, gave her the Manchu Sword, and then her parents were killed by it. She also learns that U Pho Kyaw, who was so obsessed with the Manchu Sword, lost one of his arms. Thiri sets out to find the person who killed her parents. Thiri goes to live in the village of U Pho Kyaw's sister, Daw Win Mar, where a man named U Ba Saw in the village, who wants the Manchu Sword so much, changes his name and is a charlatan, so she suspects him of being a charlatan, and investigates, finding the real U Pho Kyaw. She invites you to experience it when you have free time. A Word for Those Who Like the Movie Pyay Ti Oo • A Word for Those Who Like the Movie Sa Kar Ta Khon Pyay Ti Oo,... For Those Who Like the Movie Ye Ko Ko, Par La Maung Toe and Lap Ki Mors • Par La Maung Toe and Lap Ki MorsPar La... Thingyan Consolation Prize • Thingyan Consolation Prize Hnit Theim Su Th... For Those Who Like the Movie Aung Ye Lin Guiding Star • Guiding Star Aung Ye Lin, ... For those who like the movie Poltergeist - Pone Na Ka... About the two • About the twoAbout the ... The Moon Under Star S... The Moon Under Star S... I am Housewife • I am Housewife I am Housewife Khan... The Death of Maung Kan Gyi • The Death of Maung Kan Gyi Mg Kan Gyi Khan... Love is a pain • Love is a pain Chit Lose Sa Tar Na... Peat Tauk and Ngu War • Peat Tauk and Ngu War Peat Tauk Nelt Ngu War... Gaw Sit Sin Yay Khan Sit... Hero Cowboy • Hero Cowboy Hero... The Line • Line See Yoe Khan Sit, Ichawpo... Bowing to Love • Bowing to Love Ah Chit Ko Oo ... Unremovable Arrow • Unremovable Arrow Kh... U Ka Lain • U Ka Lain U Ka Lain The one who is determined, Moe Di,... Mahura Thway • Mahura Thway Ma Hu Yar Thawe The one who is determined, ... For those who like the movie Myint Myat Moe Lain • Moe Lain Myint Myat, Thanzhar Nwe... One Meal • One Meal Ta Nut Sar Myint Myat, Ichaw... For those who like the movie Nay Htet Lin, Life is a life • Life is a life Ba Wa Tha Mar Tawe Par Nay... The fire of anger • The fire of anger Nay Htet Lin, ... Phoe Kwem Toe Ywer • Phoe Kwem Toe Ywer For those who like Khin Hlaing comedy movies, Pussy and Bubble • Pussy and Bubble Kitty & Balloon Khin... Kyone Lay Bhone Bway • Kyone Lay Bhone Bway Mi... Yadanar Pua • Yadanar Pua Ya Ta Nar Pu War Moedi, Sha... Sinto Maung Nyo • Sinto Maung Nyo Seik Toe Mauk Nyo Ma... Let's talk about what we want to say (start-end) • Let's talk about what we want to say (start-end)Pyaw Chin... Naw Tit • Naw Tit Hnyar Ta Phyar Moedi, Khin... For those who like movies, May Khin Kanya • May Khin KanyaMay Khin Ka NyarPyay Ti Oo, Khant... For those who like Nay Toe movies, Sinking • Sinking Yin Twinn Suu Nit Nay Ti... For those who like Lu Min movies, Seventh Bride • Seventh Bride La... If you like the movies presented by Makkel Movie and Video, please share them with your friends. Like and Subscribe. If you click the bell, you will know now and watch now. When you have free time, please write comments. I am proud of the kind comments that encourage you. Music on this Movie: Envato Element. Item to Myat Chel Film & Video Production. #MyanamarNewMovie #MyatChelEntertainment #YinLetActionMovie