On Friday evening, we hosted the extraordinary singer and musician Marko Vozlej. This year is the year of anniversaries for Marko Vozlej. This year, Marko celebrates 33 years of his musical career, 15 years of his solo career, 10 years with the band Mojstri and 55 years of youth. He will celebrate all of these anniversaries in Ivančna Gorica, on Saturday, December 23, in the sports hall of the Stična Elementary School. For the show V petek zvečer, together with 8 tamburašikas, he prepared an acoustic cover of the song Me boš še ljubila. The cover was created by the band's leader Gregor Zagorc. You can watch the entire show on RTV365. Follow us: https://www.vpetekzvecer.si / vpetekzvecertvslo / petekzvecer / vpetekzvecer