Märklin 3336 SBB Ae 6/6 11425, digitization with ESU Loksound 5 sound decoder on 21-pin Märklin interface board and Märklin 60941 high-performance motor. ESU sound project Ae 6/6 with modifications and extensions. System: H0 Märklin digital MFX/DCC/MM/SX 27 functions: F0 Swiss light change (headlight/taillight dependent on direction of travel); F1 driving sound; F2 whistle; F3 short whistle #1; F4 fan; F5 compressor; F6 shunting gear, ABV off; F7 Swiss light change only at the front; F8 Swiss light change only at the rear; F7+F8 Swiss shunting light; F9 release compressed air; F10 conductor's whistle; F11 coupling sound; F12 sanding; F13 apply/release brake; F14 station announcement #1; F15 short whistle #2; F16 Driver's cab door open/closed; F17 Rail joints; F18 Station announcement #2; F19 Cab radio; F20 Station announcement #3; F21 Station announcement #4; F22 Switch squeal; F23 Sound fader; F24 Brake squeal off; F25 Curve squeal; F26 Driving data recorder https://www.lokdok.at