Hello, this is the story of the largest airborne operation of World War II, when it was already possible to drop thousands of soldiers into enemy territory using parachutes and gliders, and, as part of a large offensive, those airborne troops and ground forces could be linked together in a short time to create a huge gap in the enemy defenses. At the end of July 1944 the Western Allies finally broke out of Normandy and in the process wiped out the bulk of two German armies, the 7th Infantry and the 5th Panzer. The remnants of these groups fled towards the German border, while on the coast of France the German 15th Army began to retreat towards Belgium, but it was moving slowly and a huge gap appeared between them. To take advantage of this gap General Montgomery proposed and was authorized to carry out Operation Market-Garden, a huge airborne operation that was hoped to gain a corridor into the heart of the industrial zone of the Ruhr. Well, this is the story of the planning and execution of that operation, and how it failed so miserably. I hope you enjoy this video. Sincerely, Victor Aguilar-Chang