Mark Zuckerberg announced new measures to protect users' freedom of expression on his Meta platforms (Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp). Zuckerberg also acknowledged censorship on the platforms in recent years and sent a message to Brazil, which made activists go crazy on the internet. Watch the video and find out! #MarkZuckerberg #Meta #Censorship SUPPORT THE CHANNEL VIA PIX: ⚠️???? https://livepix.gg/machogeek MACHO GEEK STORE: ????????️ https://montink.com/macho-geek OFFICIAL CHANNEL GROUP: ????????https://chat.whatsapp.com/GdxeUN3csn0... REACTS CHANNEL: ????????️ / @machogeekreacts BEWAY ENGLISH COURSE WITH PROFESSOR JONAS BRESSAN: ➡️ https://mkt.bewayidiomas.com.br/?a=12... FOLLOW US ON OUR SOCIAL MEDIA: ➡️ Fan Page: / machogeekoficial ➡️ Twitter: /geek_macho ➡️ Instagram: /geek_macho