Director Matsumoto Yusaku's latest film "It's All My Fault" will be released nationwide from August 11th at Shinjuku Musashinokan and other theaters. The film stars newcomer Shiratori Haruto, who was selected through an audition, the heroine Kawashima Suzuharu, and Odagiri Joe. Other actors who will appear include Matsumoto Marika, Wakaba Ryuya, Nakano Taiga, Kataoka Reiko, Kiryu Aso, and Suruga Taro. The ending theme of the film will be "Yume de Aetara" by Otaki Eiichi. This time, a tense main video has been released in which Matsumoto Marika, who plays the mother Rika, is told a shocking word by her son Yuta. Yuta (Shiratori Haruto), who has escaped from a children's home, visits his mother Rika (Matsumoto Marika) and feels relieved to spend time with his mother for the first time in a long time. Then Yamazaki (Wakaba Ryuya), a man who lives with Rika, appears and the time changes completely. Rika's expression changes from that of a mother, and it becomes clear that she is living a self-indulgent life with Yamazaki, ignoring Yuta. The main footage released this time begins with a scene of the three of them eating cup yakisoba noodles. Rika is worried about Yuta, who is having a hard time eating with his chopsticks, and Yamazaki, seeing this, calls out to Yuta, saying, "Yuta, don't make Rika feel uncomfortable." Then, Yuta becomes enraged at being called by his name in a familiar tone by a stranger, and attacks Yamazaki, biting his wrist. In this situation, Rika rushes to Yamazaki instead of Yuta, apologizes, and cleans up the yakisoba noodles scattered around the room. At that moment, the intercom rang, and Rika asked Yuta to answer. On the other side of the door was Miyamoto (Kiryu Aso), a staff member at the child welfare facility. Without telling Yuta, Rika had contacted the staff at the facility to come and collect Yuta. Yuta clings to Rika, saying, "No, I don't want to go home," but Rika repeatedly pushes him away, saying, "I'm sorry, Yuta." Rejected by his mother whom he had finally met, Yuta is in despair and, in tears, asks his mother the shocking words, "Why did you give birth to me?" What will become of Yuta, who has been rejected by the only person he trusted, his mother? #Matsumoto Marika #Shiratori Haruto