A press conference was held for TV Asahi's Thursday drama "Private Banker," with Karasawa Toshiaki, Suzuki Honami, Uesugi Shuhei, Tsuchiya Anna, Megumi, Yasui Junpei, Yoshida Uronta, Natsuki Mari, and Hashizume Isao taking to the stage. [Related Videos] ◆ Suzuki Honami, 55 years old, shows off her sexiness in a bold off-the-shoulder dress • Suzuki Honami, 55 years old, shows off her sexiness in a bold off-the-shoulder dress, bashful at showing off the special shot... ◆ Tsuchiya Anna and her son, Sumi, who has grown into a handsome young man, walk the runway together for the first time in six years • Tsuchiya Anna and her son, Sumi, who has grown into a handsome young man, walk the runway together for the first time in six years ``The... ◆ Natsuki Mari, looking too cool in a ``Spirited Away'' shirt for a photoshoot • Natsuki Mari, looking too cool in a ``Spirited Away'' shirt for a photoshoot Loewe Japan... #PrivateBanker #KarasawaToshiaki #SuzukiHonami #UesugiShuhei #TsuchiyaAnna #MEGUMI #YasuiJunpei #YoshidaUronta #NatsukiMari #HashizumeIsao