The Twelve Ray Archangel Meditation is one of many attunements that are part of the Light Body Activation Consecration. Light Body Activation (Galaxial Infusion). The Galaxial Infusion is the Attunement and Activation of the Axiatonal Lines. The perfect union of the Human and the Divine through Cosmic Law. Part of the human being is a very subtle light grid, it is naturally like a crystal membrane formed of light. Its points and lines are in direct connection with the stars of Heaven and the energy grid of the Earth. The lines that form this grid are known as the Axiatonal Lines. The grid is also called the Ascension Grid. Galaxial Infusion - means that the obstacles that keep the Light Body and the acupuncture body grids apart are removed. These grids become connected to each other again in the way they were at the beginning of time. When the grids fit together, the Light Body illuminates the acupuncture body, which in turn the physical body. The physical body begins a journey of renewal and rejuvenation. The physical form can now begin to fulfill its true tasks at the meeting point of Heaven and Earth, where the Human meets the Divine. The Being, You, align with the Light of Spirit, remembering the Divine beginning and idea. The Galaxial Infusion is intended for all beings who, by their own will and on the path of spiritual development, are ready to move from the third-fourth level to the fifth level, which is the Master Level. The Galaxial Infusion is given in a group, but it is still a very personal experience. It only happens once in a lifetime. You are invited to participate actively in it. It is like a living consecration. It is a true prayer-call, which you consciously direct to the Holy Spirit, that He may saturate all levels of your being, including the physical, and that He may take control of your life. This amplifies all that you are. In addition to the activation of the light body, all the glands of the body are reprogrammed for cellular regeneration. We will go through a water consecration ritual, which you can always use later to consecrate water for yourself and others. information and registration: [email protected] Voice - Margus Aru Music - Deuter - Nada Himalaya Picture - Daniel Holeman - Awakening