A production: Lagoinha Global Director: Mariana Nogueira Exhibition: Youtube and Super Television Network - The extraordinary journey of a simple man. On September 5th, the unprecedented production “Márcio - É como termina que se conta” arrives on YouTube and Rede Super de Televisão. A documentary miniseries in five episodes that tells the trajectory of one of the greatest leaders in the history of the Brazilian church. The routine, the opinions, the choices and the directions. From personality to behind the scenes, from mistakes to successes, from pain to moments of celebration, the pastor and the man behind the pulpit. The story is told by Márcio and dozens of other people. In unprecedented reports, family, friends, ministry colleagues, sheep and leaders from around the world help to show who Márcio Valadão is and the impact of his non-negotiable commitment to the Gospel. Much more than the past, a documentary that talks about the present and future of a man who dreams of living to 100 years old. Mentoring for ministers. An inspiration for any Christian. Want to see behind the scenes of the documentary filming? Follow @doc.marcio on Instagram.