Runners' questions for completing the full course of a marathon! First! How should I manage my body 1-2 weeks before the competition? It's a time when selection and concentration are needed! Recommended supplementary exercises to revive the running sense! How long before the competition is it good to do supplementary exercises? We'll give you some great tips!! Challenge! Open care! #OpenCare #MarathonTraining #RunningTraining #CyclingTraining #OpenCare #RunningCrew #RunningClass #HowToRunWell #RunningPosture #Marathon #MidFootRunning #Triathlon #OpenCareSchool #HamYeonSik ===================================== OpenCare NaverCafe https://cafe.naver.com/teamfca OpenCareSchool https://www.opencareschool.com/ OpenCareMall http://www.opencaremall.com/ OpenCareSportsTour http://www.opencaretour.com/ ====================================