「狂気に落ちる」の歌詞です。 https://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... [lyrics] "I'm sure you're crazy too" Participating work in The VOCALOID Collection 2022 spring artwork: Ueda Tsubasa (/ t_u_illust) song: Hatsune Miku (/ cfm_miku) music: r-906 (/ arukuremu) [offvocal] https://drive.google.com/drive/folder... [lyrics] I'm sure you're crazy Everyone would think so But this is the ideal song I draw Just say nothing I'm sure you're crazy I'm sure you're crazy too Dance I'm sure you're crazy too How many nights have I stayed awake from a logic disorder At the mercy of a god A dangerous affection My past life is unknown I'm singing of brilliant reason I'm sure even without me You'd just sing My body burns and hurts It clings to me and hurts Just dance without saying anything "Why are you crazy? Are you still trembling? No matter how many times you try to draw a broken white chrysanthemum, it's meaningless now, right?' Affirmative I'm sure you'll be gone and the sound of the waterfall will die out, so I've entrusted the future to myself again, crying in the equinox, not even knowing the dew of this body Yes, I'm going crazy My burning feelings are a kaleidoscope, and with the moon's trembling hands I'll draw them, Yes, a pure ideal! Thunder I'm sure even if I'm not here you'll just sing, but I want to yearn for it too! I want to cling to you still! Don't say anything just like that #HatsuneMiku #Manimani #Vocaloid