We present to the attention of Lenin Crew subscribers the audio version of the "Manifesto of Scientific Centralism", which sets out the main positions regarding our understanding of the NC. As we have repeatedly stated, in today's conditions, democratic centralism is not suitable for building a Marxist organization. The new organizational principle is a conclusion both from our experience and attempts at party building by the Russian left since the 90s, and from an analysis of the history of communist parties of the past. We are always open to constructive discussion and scientific criticism. Enjoy listening! Authors: LC editorial team Voice-over: Evgeny Garinov Manifesto of scientific centralism: http://lenincrew.com/scientific-centr... Our positions: https://lenincrew.com/programm/ ⁂ Our website https://lenincrew.com ⁂ Lenin Crew in: VK https://vk.com/lenin_crew Telegram https://t.me/lenin_crew ⁂ You can donate using the card: 4276 4900 4508 7345 #lenincrew #marxism