Collective intelligence is the alchemy of a collective and the singularities that compose it to enlarge the power of achievement of each individual. In the era of the Internet and new management methods (holacracy, sociocracy, empowerment, etc.), it is crucial for managers to rethink their role in order to become facilitators who free the intelligence of collectives through shared leadership. Specialists in new forms of learning, Denis Cristol and Cécile Joly draw on theoretical foundations and their field experience to propose innovative practices that promote the emergence and consolidation of collective intelligence. Their book "Management and collective intelligence - 80 methods and exercises" (ESF Sciences Humaines, 2021) presents various exercises on major themes: • Create a common vision • Take action together • Demonstrate collective creativity • Make room for everyone's talents • Motivate each other This web conference is aimed at trainers, coaches and consultants wishing to broaden their intervention methods but also at managers wishing to unleash collective intelligence within their organizations.