Synopsis of Mana Drama: This film is the story of an 8-year-old child who is under pressure from school and fellow students due to a special disease, but Mana's mother, Leila, is trying to solve the problems with the help of Dr. Falahi... ----- ----------------------------------- Mana movie - full Subscribe for More Videos: https://www .youtube.com/ShahreFarangs... ------------------------------------------- Actors Iranian movie Mana: Nagin Sadek Goya, Maryam Kaviani, Kikavos Yakideh, Negar Abedi and Roya Nonhali Director of the social movie Mana: Alireza Rezazi Far Author of the movie Mana: Alireza Rezazi Far Year of release: 2017 Genre: Drama, Social ------- ---------------------------------- This film is the story of an 8-year-old child who is under pressure from the school and fellow students due to a special disease, but Mana's mother, Leila, tries to solve the problems with the help of Dr. Fallahi... ---------------------------------------------------- Film Mana - Full Movie Cast : Nagin Sedgh Gooya, Maryam Kaviani, Keikavoos Yakideh, Negar Abedi and Roya Nonahali Director: Alireza Razazifar Author: Alireza Razazifar Release: 2018 Genre: Drama, Social ------------------ ---------------------- To watch more movies, click on the following link: • Persian Movies Movie ----------------------------------------- #Mana #Mana_film #film #cinema_film #فيلم_يراني #film #movie #film_irani #mana #film_mana #فيلم_فارسي We have fully licensed this video and have the right to publish it on YouTube.