Sandro Lira, 41, spent more than 21 years collecting R$1 coins in a drum and a bucket to make his childhood dream come true. The Pernambuco native works in the fields, planting lettuce and wanted to have a bicycle. He came to work on a farm in the interior of São Paulo and set a goal for his life: to save coins until he could make his dream come true. Sandro started with R$3 per month and ended with a goal of R$200 per month, until he achieved his goal. Our Whatsapp: https://balancogeraltarde.r7.com/what... and https://balancogeralmanha.r7.com/what... Subscribe to the Balanço Geral channel: http://r7.com/KKyb Watch the full episodes on PlayPlus: https://www.playplus.com Facebook: / balancogeral Instagram: / balancogeral Twitter: / balancogeral Official website: https://recordtv.r7.com/balanco-geral #BalançoGeralManhã #BalançoGeral #HoraDaVenenosa