PAGI PAGI AMBYAR Dismissing the negative news about her parents, the daughter of senior actress Nani Wjaya also spoke up. She considered the condition of her beloved mother was not like what was spread by her former ART. In addition, Mami Isa Zega also gave a relaxed response to netizens' sarcastic comments directed at her. Then, regarding the issue of kidney failure that is attacking the young generation of Indonesia, Dr. KS Denta M.Sc.Sp.A. spoke up. He talked about the dangers of this disease in the young generation. How exciting are today's guest stars? Everything Will Be Discussed Here With The Cool Hosts, Rian Ibram, Dewi Perssik, King Nassar and Caren Delano. === BROADCAST EVERY MONDAY-FRIDAY AT 08.30 WIB === PART 1: • This is the Current Condition of Mother ''Bajaj B... PART 2: • Mami Isa Zega's Casual Response to... PART 3: • Explanation of Ethylene Glycol That Makes Ba... PART 4: • May You Always Be Given Health for S... === WEBSITE - http://www.transtv.co.id TWITTER - / transtv_corp FACEBOOK - / transtvmedia INSTAGRAM - / transtv_corp #PagiPagiAmbyar #October21,2022