Easter Convention 2008 Easter Seminar with Pastor Mamadou Karambiri. A wise choice for all participants as the message was so important: rediscovering Christ and the power of his resurrection. In a chronological series, the pastor reminded us of the implication of each of the Easter events, from the Cross to the Glorification of Christ in our lives. Indispensable! Easter Convention 2008 Easter Seminar with Pastor Mamadou Karambiri. A wise choice for all participants as the message was so important: rediscovering Christ and the power of his resurrection. In a chronological series, the pastor reminded us of the implication of each of the Easter events, from the Cross to the Glorification of Christ in our lives. Indispensable! ::: Teaching put online with the authorization of the rights holders. Find thousands of Christian programs in French, free on DieuTV.com and on DVD on Theomedia.org. DieuTV.com – the first French-speaking Christian television! This content is offered thanks to your generosity. To make a donation: http://dieutv.com/dons :::