A memorial concert entitled Dwa Bratanki – Two Friends will be held in honor of Saint John Paul II on Saturday. The Polish MaŁa Armia Janosika 150, with its gural children's choir, will perform on the stage of the Opera Eiffel Workshop. Music lovers are invited to this unforgettable event. Flipping through the great book of world history, it is difficult to find two more nations like the Poles and Hungarians, who are so far apart in language, yet have been fighting shoulder to shoulder for each other's freedom, prosperity, and future for a thousand years. What could be the secret of this great friendship? The answer may lie in the souls of the two peoples: their faith is one, their God is one, their mission is one, they can live under the protection of one Heavenly Mother. For a thousand years, they have been protecting Christian Europe from pagan invasions, Islamic conquests, communist ideologies, modern migrations, and attacks on the family. Statue of Pope John Paul II in Szentendre (Photo: Gábor Tóth, Vasarnap.hu) The Poles and Hungarians are the last hope of Europe, the living conscience of the old continent. Two unshakable bastions, which if they collapse, will also shatter the hope that we will ever be able to stand up again after the ruins. That is why it is important to strengthen our thousand-year-old bond in the generations that come after us. Young people need authentic role models who they can look up to, whose life path and teachings show the way in today's turbulent world. Pope John Paul II can be such a role model. The smiling pope, who fought for peace, the protection of conceived lives, human rights, the sanctity of the family, and the exposure of disruptive ideas throughout his 27-year service in Peter. Unfortunately, we were unable to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Polish Pope in a dignified manner due to the pandemic, so we are organizing a memorial concert in honor of the 30th and 25th anniversaries of his visit to our country in 2021. On Saturday, our Polish friends will take to the stage of the Eiffel Workshop with the MaŁa Armia Janosika 150, a gural choir.