Hello friends. Making a paint gun. In this video, I will show you how to make a paint gun. Making a paint gun is very simple. Make your own spray gun at home. The basics of a paint gun and how to use a paint gun. Converting a paint sprayer into a professional gun is very simple. Basically, I will show you how to make a paint gun. You need a few simple parts to make a paint gun. Do you want to know how to make a hand-held paint gun using an empty paint sprayer? This is a handmade gun and you know that a hand-held paint gun without electricity is a very practical tool. This is basically a hand-held pump paint gun, but I used an air pump instead of an air pump. You must be saying, is it possible to make a paint gun without an air pump? Instead of using an air pump, I used an empty gas cylinder. I definitely recommend making a paint gun to everyone. Instead of buying a paint sprayer, make this paint gun. To make a paint gun, you can use pipe fittings and also brass gas fittings. You can even make your own airbrush or air gun. You can use the same method to make an airbrush. This gun is a bottom-mounted gun and is also called a siphon gun. What is the spray mechanism of the gun? The video answers all your questions, such as how to make a gun? How to make a gun at home? How to make a paint gun? How to make an airbrush? How does a paint gun work? How to paint with a gun? How to paint with a paint gun? You can see and learn about all kinds of construction and creative ideas at the School of Technology. I, Mohammad Shabani, love to build and try to fix everything at the School of Technology. 00:00 Introduction 00:14 Opening the spray 02:11 Paint spray mechanism 02:36 Making a paint spray gun 03:04 Spray nozzle components 03:25 What should I do if the spray head is broken 04:00 How to repair the spray valve 08:30 Spray gun without an air pump 08:58 How to paint without an air pump 09:19 Proper air pressure for the gun how to make paint spray gun Playlist Repairs: • Repairs Playlist Builds: • Builds