This is my third camping sink. This time I made a mini version. I bought it at a kitchenware store and ordered it through Coupang, but I'm uploading the purchase link in case you're curious. Purchasable links Daiso stackable living box 3,000 won Product number 1021972 Commercial stainless steel PC bat lid, 1/6 https://link.coupang.com/a/bqzZ8s PC bat body 4 inches (sink) PC bat body 6 inches (waste container) https://link.coupang.com/a/bqz1vi Boseong water bottle 2L (faucet No. 2) handle water bottle faucet water bottle (clean water bottle) https://mitem.gmarket.co.kr/Item?good... Portable water dispenser (buy a prettier one) https://a.aliexpress.com/_oCk3IIO You can find sink stoppers and lids anywhere that sells bathroom supplies. You definitely need a soldering iron. You can buy it at Daiso for 5,000 won. #diy #self-made camping supplies #camping sink #camping faucet #making a sink #making a camping sink