Hello everyone. I'm Eriko Kurosaki from erikonail.礼も言えないまま。。. 本当に本当にありがとうございました。 無事で見つかり、感謝感激です♡ English: As is the annual tradition, Paul & Joe gave me a Christmas coffret, so I would like to introduce it to you♥ This year's coffret is apparently the most luxurious in the brand's history, and the box is insanely cute♡ It includes popular makeup and skincare items, as well as a ton of cute, limited-edition goods that are typical of Paul & Joe, making it the perfect coffret for cat lovers♥ It's a popular item that requires reservations, so please check the details at the URL below♡ "Paul & Joe Advent Calendar 2024" 33,000 yen (tax included) ♥ Limited release: Tuesday, November 1st [Reservations begin: Friday, October 18th] https://www.paul-joe-beaute.com/pages... #PaulandJoe #AdventCalendar#ChristmasCoffret2024 #ErikoKurosaki#Cat#Makeup #Beauty#Around50#erikonail #Erikonail= ... I would like to share beauty knowledge with you all and make this a meaningful channel, so please subscribe and rate it highly. I also look forward to your comments, such as your thoughts on the video and projects you would like me to try. ================================ ◆erikonail ▷Website: https://www.erikonail.com/ ▷Official Instagram ♥erikonail: @erikonail / erikonail ♥Eriko Kurosaki: @erikokurosaki322 / erikokurosaki322 ❤<NAIL SALON>erikonail OMOTESANDO: @erikonail.omotesando / erikonail.omotesando ❤<WAX SALON>erii FEMCARE&SKINCARE-WAX: @eriisalon / eriisalon ▷Website: https://erii.jp/ ▷Reservations: https://beauty.hotpepper.jp/kr/slnH00... ❤<NAIL SCHOOL>Eriko Kurosaki Nail School: @erikonailschool / erikonailschool ▷Website: https://www.erikonailschool.com/ ◆The highest quality handcare brand "erii PROFESSIONAL" produced by Eriko Kurosaki ▷Website: http://erikonail.com/news/4360/ ♥erii PROFESSIONAL: @erii.professional / erii.professional <How to purchase erii products> ・Directly managed nail salon "erikonail OMOTESANDO" store sales ・erii official online SHOP https://eriibyerikonail.salon.ec/ ・Wholesale shop for nail and beauty professionals [BEAUTY GARAGE online shop] https://www.beautygarage.jp/c/034160000 ♥YouTube inquiries/job requests https://www.erikonail.com/contact/