Hi! How are you? Today's video is a combination of 3 beautiful decoration projects that I did for very little money and the result was worthy of pieces bought in expensive stores. The cans are a staple here on the channel, we've already made them with labels, with stencils, with paint imitating galvanized, imitating enamel... This time they are even more TOP! with textured labels!!! I loved making them and I NEED to show you everything. The tiered tray is a chapter apart, pure charm and made in a super intuitive way, the idea, as always, is not to give you a ready-made recipe but to inspire you to create with what you have around. I really loved the pieces in today's video and I hope you like them too. A kiss, Paula Medeiros FIND ME ????INTAGRAM:@canalpaulamedeiros / canalpaulamedeiros ????FACEBOOK:@canalpaulamedeiros / canalpaulamedeiros ❤PINTEREST: DIY by Paula Medeiros https://pin.it/fWo2GPz ????E-mail: [email protected]