MAKE YOUR ARCHITECTURAL CONCEPT WITH JUST 3 DESIGN STRATEGIES! LINK to Download the Worksheet: https://architectsground.ck.page/c11b... Every time I have a Creative Block I use these 3 Design Strategies: With the first, I won a national competition at age 20. The second creates multiple design solutions with ONE click, using Artificial Intelligence. And the third was essential to take off Zaha Hadid's creative career. When I feel blocked it's because I'm not acting enough, it's because I'm resisting producing the work that the design requires. The best way to implement these 3 Strategies is under a clear and effective Design Process. So to learn How to Make an Architectural Concept click on this video: • How to Make an Architectural CONCEPT... Do you want more videos like this? Tell me in the comments, thanks! See what I designed here: Instagram → @ricardorodriguezh_ Tik Tok → @ricardorodriguez_h Contact for Consulting, Conferences and Workshops: [email protected]