Vancea Family - Make Me a Candle, Lord Cover Sammy and Iemima Strugariu 1. Make me, Lord, a candle For the one who is lost. Make me, Lord, a light For the one who does not see You. R: /:Make me, Lord, as you wish, I am at Your disposal, To transform as you wish My heart and my eyes. Make me as you wish to be, Cleaner, holier, more alive. Make me for those who perish A window to heaven. :/ 2. Make me, Lord, comfort For the sorrowful being. Make me chosen love For the forgotten heart. 3. Make me You the Samaritan, Who bends down to the Lost man, beaten on the way, To give him bread and the Lord. Mix&master : Beni Vancea Video: Cristian Critstescu