โผ Ingredients - When boiling black beans in a rice cooker for the first time, 2 cups (paper cups) of black beans, 9 cups (paper cups) of water, a piece of kelp, mixed grain mode - When making bean water, 1/2 boiled beans, 1 liter of water, a little mineral salt (it will be more fragrant if ground with almonds or peanuts) - When freezing the bean dough, 1/2 boiled beans, a little mineral salt depending on the amount of water ๐ต Music provided by: BGUM President ๐ต Track: Easy Little Waltz - โข [BGUM President] (waltz/cute/Bright) Easy Littl... ๐ต Track: Brunch - โข [Comfortable emotional music that goes well with cooking] Brunch Cooking... #MyoSikdang #BlackBeans #BlackBeanWater #BlackBeanStorage #BlackBeanRecipe โ This video is a copyrighted work produced by 'MyoSikdang', and the copyrighted work is protected. Unauthorized use and secondary editing without the permission of the copyright holder are prohibited. However, videos that clearly state the source can be shared at any time.