Latest Makassar Films 2022 continuation of the Film Preman Jatuh Cinta, 100 Percent Work of Makassar Children, Rewako Film Makassar, Makassar KULLE Tonji A Work Full of Flaws, both in terms of editing, sound etc., Continue to support this channel by clicking the SUBSCRIBE button ... !!! Also press the BELL icon so that you always get notifications every time there is a new video from this Channel ... !!! MAKASSAR FILM PRESENTED BY MAKASSAR FILMERS, BATARA CINEMA'S WORK FOR MAKASSAR FILM AND BUGIS MAKASSAR FILM. A FILM THAT SHOWS THE LOCAL WISDOM OF SOUTH SULAWESI MAKASSAR FILM which is a continuation of the PREMAN JATUH CINTA Film that we have shown previously, Preman Jatuh Cinta Makassar Hopefully it can be well received by all Makassar Film Lovers as one of the Latest Makassar Films or Makassar Movies which are truly Makassar full movies and different from the previous theme, namely horror films and this is not a children's film. Finally, enjoy the Makassar Movie and Bugis Movie or Bugis Makassar Movie, this may be very different from AMBO NAI-style Movies, different from Uploadtan TUMMING ABU or BASSITOAYYA, this is purely BATARA CINEMA's idea for Makassar movies, so that the MAKASSAR FILM remains Makassar's property, the MAKASSAR FILM which is also a SOUTH SULAWESI FILM, the MAKASSAR FILM by the CHILDREN of MAKASSAR, the Makassar Film Bisa Tonji, EWAKO MAKASSAR FILM MAKASSAR FILM THE LATEST MAKASSAR FILM THE LATEST MAKASSAR FILM 2021 THE LATEST MAKASSAR FILM 2022 THE LATEST MAKASSAR FILM 2023 MAKASSAR MOVIE INDONESIAN FILM THE LATEST INDONESIAN FILM THE LATEST INDONESIAN FILM 2021 THE LATEST INDONESIAN FILM 2022 THE LATEST INDONESIAN FILM 2022 INDONESIA LATEST 2023 NOT AMBO NAI NOT BASSITOAYYA NOT TUMMING ABU BUGIS FILM LATEST BUGIS FILM LATEST BUGIS FILM 2021 LATEST BUGIS FILM 2022 LATEST BUGIS FILM 2023 BUGIS MAKASSAR FILM LATEST BUGIS MAKASSAR FILM LATEST BUGIS MAKASSAR FILM 2021 BUGIS MAKASSAR FILM LATEST 2022 BUGIS MAKASSAR FILM LATEST 2023