Mayang Lucyana, the sister of the late Vanessa Angel, a figure who used to be often criticized but now successfully radiates positive vibes. Not just a story about her changes, Mayang also said that she and her family have sincerely forgiven Tubagus Jody. Mayang learned to be sincere from her life growing up without a mother figure. The story of her life journey, netizen criticism, and the process of finding strength from within. Come on, watch the full exciting chat here .. #maiaestianty #mayang #mayanglucyana #vanessaangel #gala #tubagusjody #free #punishment #blasphemy #bullying #praise #positivevibes #internship #dpr #college #internationalrelationship #sincere #forgiveness ALELDUL and Bunda Maia family channel. Continue to support the MAIA ALELDUL TV channel by subscribing, clicking like, and giving comments, and sharing each video with your friends or beloved family. We are always waiting for your suggestions and input ideas. For ENDORSEMENT: CP ADEL: +62811122128