Prof. Dr. Nazan Uysal Harzadın's online Magnesium Training. You will find answers to many of your questions about magnesium. What does magnesium do in our body? How much of the magnesium we take into our body is absorbed? Magnesium takes part in 320 biochemical events What is the importance of magnesium and calcium balance? What is the role of magnesium in energy production in the body? Magnesium is the key to insulin It is a protective weapon for cardiovascular health. Magnesium is a calmness mineral. The root cause of osteoporosis is magnesium deficiency. What are the signs of magnesium deficiency? What are the things that disrupt magnesium absorption? Which foods contain the most magnesium? Which magnesium supplement should we take? Which magnesium should we drink for constipation? Which magnesium for migraine, headache and fibromyalgia?