In 2022, the news that M'Balia was getting married for the second time to Alex Tinajero alarmed her friends and worried the press, who could not understand how it was that after having had a conventional marriage with the father of her four daughters, the singer opted for a clearly singular and different person. In a detailed and unpublished interview, #MBalia confesses to #PatiChapoy how the crush happened and for the first time establishes in all her letters that her now husband is an #intersexual person and that thanks to this they will be able to conceive the baby they long for. But before reaching this culminating moment, M'Balia went through a long road, from when she debuted as an actress at the age of three to then becoming part of the successful group "Onda Vaselina" and later "#OV7", although in that journey she was not exempt from receiving #bullying precisely for being different. Perhaps that is the trait that most identifies her and deeply links her with Alex, alongside whom today she is about to give us a lesson in acceptance of the diverse, the odd, the unequal, the exceptional and even the unexplored and unknown, because nothing is what it seems…