#hennyadella #lusyanajelita #dangdutkoplo LUSYANA JELITA ADELLA FULL ALBUM VIRAL (BLACK UMBRELLA) VIDEO CLIP VERSION! PLAYLIST : 01. BLACK UMBRELLA 02. HEART'S GEM 03. A PROMISE 04. A MILLION WOUNDS 05. GOODBYE 06. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 07. BLACK BLANKET 08. A THOUSAND PROMISES 09. GOLDEN THREAD OATH 10. TANGU' APESA'AH 11. CARRIED AWAY IN INTIMACY 12. NO WORD OF SEPARATION NOTE *Music and video clips in this video are claimed by the copyright of their respective owners *This channel is not monetized DON'T FORGET TO LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE .. #lusyanajelita #lusyanajelitaadella #adella #lusyanajelitafullalbum #black umbrella #heart gem #a promise #a million wounds