#soyuzmusic #lustova #nikola #nidvora Click on ???? and don’t miss out on new items! Subscribe to our channel: / @soyuzmusic Soyuz Music online: VK: https://vk.com/soyuzmusic website: http://www.soyuz-music.ru/ Telegram: https://t.me/musicsoyuz On white blanket Leave your traces While someone is being harshly burned I'm blowing smoke And if you need something here Pass by My music is only for those Who have lost their halo And for now No money No profit No stake No yard No name No family No friends No benefits I'm looking for Exits I'm blowing out gray smoke And there at the exit They'll squeeze as needed The police Bro will say on the phone Listen Sort it out yourselves Fast money Doesn't bring glory That's it, we're throwing it away And in a month he's on trial They're giving him a punishment Interest has ruined many On the way to their home The guys are losing weight And the load there was nothing Caspian there The guys are all taking risks again I've been saying since childhood I'll be obedient No, mine, ma Youth drank away Always wandered around the area Alone in old age And who you were Nobody cares after all Time has long since passed When you were sitting there In captivity