▶️This video was produced with permission to use the work of [Dayeon] Publishing. Thank you. Thank you. ▶️Title-Good Psychological Habits ▶️Author-Ryu Xuan ▶️Translator-Won Nyeong-gyeong ▶️Go to the book~ Yes24 http://www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/90... ▶️3-minute daily habits recommended by a Harvard University psychology doctor, 33 psychological habits that mature adults should have This book is the latest work of Ryu Xuan, author of the bestseller [Psychology can be this useful], and starts with the belief that 'I can do anything I want!' Of course, this belief should come from confidence built up through 'small successes in daily life', and he says that it takes five steps to achieve this. ▶️Sentences speak When dealing with someone with a glassy mentality, you need to first acknowledge the other person and then present your opinion again, avoid fragmentary arguments as much as possible, and communicate that 'this has nothing to do with you'. If the other person counters what you say and insists on their own opinion, remember the principle that 'communication requires appropriate timing'. The most difficult time to change the other person's mind is when a conflict of opinions has occurred. Therefore, in such cases, you should use your wit and think of a way to solve the problem first. _Pages 23-24 The deep breathing exercise is simple. Just inhale slowly (at least 4 seconds) and then exhale slowly (again, at least 4 seconds). If you practice this repeatedly without rushing, it will become an excellent 'emergency kit' that will give you some stability when you feel anxious. So when you feel like you are about to lose your mind, find a quiet place for a moment and take a deep breath to calm your mind. _Page 272 #Good psychological habits that mature adults should have