▶️This video was produced with permission to use some of the copyrighted work from [Maven] Publishing. Thank you. ▶️Title- 12 Rules for Life ▶️Author- Jordan B. Peterson ▶️Translator- Kang Joo-heon ▶️Go to the book, Yes24 http://www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/66... ▶️Author Jordan Peterson started this book from his hobby of answering questions posted on 'Quora', the best question-and-answer site in the English-speaking world. He posted answers to 40 rules in response to the question, 'What is the most important thing everyone should know in life?' This list received a great response, and the author selected 12 of them and published this book after 3 years of writing. This book, which says, 'Life is suffering. But there is a way not to collapse,' conveys the wisdom of living a meaningful life without collapsing in a difficult life, in 12 rules. Rule 1 Stand up straight with your shoulders back Rule 2 Treat yourself like someone who is supposed to help you Rule 3 Only hang out with people who expect the best from you Rule 4 Don't compare yourself to others, only to who you were yesterday Rule 5 If you want to raise your children properly, don't hesitate or avoid punishment Rule 6 Before you blame the world, tidy up your room Rule 7 Choose the meaningful path, not the easy one Rule 8 Always tell the truth, or at least don't lie Rule 9 When others talk, think of them as people who are going to tell you what you need to know Rule 10 Speak clearly and precisely Rule 11 Don't interrupt your kids when they're skateboarding Rule 12 If you see a cat on the street, pet it #12RulesofLife#JordanPeterson