Colleagues, we present to your attention a training video on forcing tulips indoors. The nuances of selecting chemicals, forming the water composition, temperature conditions and other subtleties, the observance of which will have a positive effect on the result of the entire forcing. This video is dated 2021, was not uploaded for technical reasons. We are fixing it! Visit our trading platform https://lukogon.ru CATALOG: https://lukogon.ru/catalog NEWS: https://lukogon.ru/news?month=all&yea... PUBLICATIONS: https://lukogon.ru/publications?month... In it you will find useful information about forcing, cutting, bulb diseases and how to prevent them by creating optimal conditions for the temperature regime and chemical composition of the water, and you will also be able to glean information for yourself, transmitted first-hand from leading growers-breeders from the Netherlands, Russia and beyond! #LUKOGON #Bulbs #FlowerBulbs #TulipBulbs #PlantingMaterial #ProfessionalPlantingMaterial #DutchBulb #DutchBulbs #DutchFlowerBulbs #DutchTulipBulbs #BulbsNetherlands #TulipsNetherlands #PlantingMaterialHolland #PlantingMaterialNetherlands #Forcing #ForcingTulips #ForcingTulipTraining #CuttingMarch8 #CuttingTulips #SaleFlowerBulbsWholesale #SupplyFlowerBulbs #FlowerBulbsWholesaleNetherlands