Foot expedition to the South Pole on the so-called Messner route; 1000 kilometers through the frigid Antarctica and around the middle of December, a surprising but sane and courageous decision to turn it around, so to speak. "Before the decision, I cried for about eight hours," recalls moderator Lucie Výborná. The listeners asked her about the mentioned expedition, and their questions were chosen and asked by the dramaturg Tomáš Černý. Article: https://radiozurnal.rozhlas.cz/cesta-... Listen as a podcast in the mujRozhlas mobile application https://rozhl.as/mujRozhlasApplikace Radiožurnál website: https://radiozurnal.rozhlas.cz/ Facebook: / radiozurnal Twitter: / radiozurnal1 Instagram: / radiozurnal