LUCCAS' BIG BOOK WITH FREE TAZOS ON SARAIVA'S WEBSITE: https://www.saraiva.com.br/aventuras-... BIG BOOK WITH FREE ADVENTURERS LETTERS: https://www.livrariacultura.com.br/p/... http://www.livrariascuritiba.com.br/a... https://www.fnac.com.br/as-aventuras-... BUY YOUR TICKET NOW FOR LUCCAS' SHOW: http://luccasnetoland.com.br/ APRIL SCHEDULE 04/14: Bauru /SP UNESP: 5:30 PM WEBSITE WITH TICKETS: http://bit.ly/LNBauru 04/15: São José do Rio Preto /SP Centro Regional de Eventos: 5:30 PM WEBSITE WITH TICKETS: http://bit.ly/LNSJRP 04/21: Santos /SP Mendes Convention: 6pm WEBSITE WITH TICKETS: http://bit.ly/LNSantos 04/22: São Paulo /SP Espaço das Américas: 3:30pm WEBSITE WITH TICKETS: http://bit.ly/LNSaoPaulo 04/28: São José dos Campos /SP ADC Embraer Multi-Sports Gymnasium: 5:30pm WEBSITE WITH TICKETS: http://bit.ly/LNSJC MAY AGENDA 05/12: Fortaleza/CE Lagoa Parking Lot – Rio Mar Shopping Fortaleza: 5pm WEBSITE WITH TICKETS: https://www.ingressodigital.com/event... 05/13: Teresina/PI Blue Tree Towers - Rio Poty Hotel: 9pm WEBSITE WITH TICKETS: https://www.ingresse.com/netoland-com... 05/19: Caruaru/PE Caruaru Convention Center - Senac: 6pm WEBSITE WITH TICKETS: https://www.bilheteriadigital.com/net... 05/20: Recife/PE Teatro Guararapes: 4pm WEBSITE WITH TICKETS: http://www.eventim.com.br/ingressos.h... 05/26: Araçatuba/SP Ginásio de Esportes Dr. Plácido Rocha: 5:30pm WEBSITE WITH TICKETS: https://www.ingressodigital.com/event... 05/27: Piracicaba/SP Centro Cultural e Recreativo Cristóvão Colombo: 5:30pm WEBSITE WITH TICKETS: https://www.ingressodigital.com/event... ATTENTION: The content is not part of any type of advertising content. All material produced in this video is for the entertainment of fans. I hope you enjoy it! Everyone using their imagination and creativity to live in a world of magic and fantasy! All minors participating in this video are accompanied by their legal guardians on the set during filming. If the legal guardian is not the father, he or she will have been formally appointed by contract by the parents or guardians to represent them during filming. Please note: Giovana Alparone is a contracted actress, with image rights reserved by her agency.