Note: This is an audio podcast with game scenes. The podcast for the video is available here: https://www.stayforever.de/2019/12/in... Video editing and video material by Sarah Kreuz: / sarahkreuz78 www.stayforever.de The LucasArts adventures are very popular in this country - but which is the best? One of the candidates is definitely Indiana Jones 4, originally released on June 1, 1992 as Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. Christian and Gunnar take on the classic and have a lot to say - it is the most detailed episode to date. In the course of researching the game, Gunnar also conducted an interview with Noah Falstein - excerpts from it can be heard in the podcast. -------------------------------------------- WEEKLY PODCASTS AND OTHER EXTRAS FOR SUPPORTERS: Support us on Patreon: / stayforever Support us on Steady: https://steadyhq.com/de/stayforever ------------------------------------------- STAY FOREVER PODCASTS ELSEWHERE: SF website: https://stayforever.de SF on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/id46... SF on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0HrgGvh... SF on Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/show/722062 SF as audio feed: https://podcastd45a61.podigee.io/feed... ------------------------------------------- STAY FOREVER ON SOCIAL WEB: The SF merch shop: https://retroshirty.com/stayforever SF on Twitter: / stayforeverde SF on Facebook: / stayforeverpodcast SF on Instagram: / stay_forever_podcast SF on Discord: / discord