The Low Carb Diet, along with the Ketogenic Diet, has been becoming popular among people interested in losing weight. This is happening because since the early 2000s, many studies have been published on the ability of these diets to achieve significant results in terms of weight loss, satiety and other benefits such as: preventing diabetes, accelerating metabolism and increasing longevity. In practice, both diets propose a significant reduction in carbohydrate consumption. But each of them has specific indications according to the plan that each person intends to carry out. --------------- Dra. Maithê P. Tomarchio Clinic Rua Maestro Cardim, 407, Conjunto 608 - Bela Vista - São Paulo - SP. Phones: (11) 3283-1333 / (11) 2495-6172 https://www.endoc.com.br Instagram: / maithe_endo... @maithe_endocrino