Is it also your goal to spend less money and consume more consciously in the coming year? Maybe you want to save for something specific, invest more, get one step closer to financial freedom, reduce debt, live more sustainably and environmentally consciously by consuming less, or just see what it does to you when you buy less. Minimalism and conscious consumption are not just a trend, they can also open your eyes to what is essential. That is why I have decided to have a "low buy year" in the coming year. To do this, I have created different categories based on a traffic light logic, where I have determined what I can buy, what I can buy under certain conditions, and what I will not buy. In this video I also describe my preparations for the "low buy year" and my personal background as to why I want to do the "low buy year". I am aware that the content of this video is not applicable to everyone. Therefore, my thoughts are simply intended to serve as inspiration and not to be didactic. Feel free to write in the comments what advantages you see in a "low buy year" so that we can all benefit from it. Maybe you're even planning a "no buy year"? I look forward to exchanging ideas. Enjoy the video! Disclaimer: This video is only intended as an inspiration and is not a substitute for professional advice. I do not provide financial advice. Images or names of products are not recommendations and are not intended to serve as advertising. Any liability is excluded.