Lover's possession: its dangers, symptoms, and treatment l Sheikh Muhammad Naghmash Al-Dhafiri, Imam of Al-Ghati Mosque in Hafar Al-Batin l Sheikh's mobile 00966590145454 Sheikh's Twitter account https://twitter.com/abozaid8888?lang=ar Al-Ghati Mosque's Twitter account / alqati123 A girl woke up from sleep and found her hair tangled • What is her story?? A girl woke up from sleep and... Important details about the symptoms and treatment of the evil eye and possession http://bit.ly/msshq Warning against magic and explaining its distinguishing signs { • Warning against magic, its treatment, its signs l ... A true story about healing with the Qur’an http://bit.ly/2djq6tX A distinctive sign by which the bewitched person is known http://bit.ly/3lama The relationship between magic and leprosy http://bit.ly/2g2HtB2 How do you protect your home from jinn and devils? http://bit.ly/2djrfC9 And the magician will not succeed http://bit.ly/2dd6egt What is the ruling on breaking magic with magic for someone in need? • What is the ruling on breaking magic with magic for someone in need? Sheikh ... The danger of the lover's possession, its symptoms and treatment http://bit.ly/2cvOdHl Doctrine / Explanation of the Comprehensive Doctrine (Magic Part One) • 15 - Doctrine / Explanation of the Comprehensive Doctrine (Magic Part Two) • 16 - Doctrine / Explanation of the Comprehensive Doctrine (Magic Part Two) • -- As part of the Ramadan lessons series held at Al-Ghati Mosque in Hafar Al-Batin 1437 AH by the Imam and Preacher of the Mosque, Sheikh Muhammad Nughammash Al-Saeedi