<Noda Emi Cover!!> 2021.01.25 Love Story Comes Suddenly / Kazumasa Oda I covered #Love Story Comes Suddenly by Kazumasa Oda. The initial guitar cheke-cheke chain is the sound that represents the beginning of love for all mankind. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー▲▽▲▽▲ <Noda Emi / Noda Emi / Emi Noda> Born in Mie Prefecture. Singer-songwriter. ☝︎Official Website http://www.nodaemi.com/ ☝︎Twitter @emiko_n617 / emiko_n617 ☝︎Instagram noda_emi / noda_emi ▽▲▽▲▽ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー