The world's best réts is always baked by one's grandmother, but if you want a similar experience, head to Rétság, including Misi's Rétesháza. In addition to the classic flavors, Jónás Misi also bakes custard tarts with blackcurrants, poppy seeds, knuckle cabbage, and puts them on the counter in amazing sizes, at least 20 deka per slice. In the second part of Szerelemhely, I go on a hike in Nógrád county - I don't just taste métiers, but delicious cheeses, beers and game. Stay with me, and if you liked Love Places, visit them! I have also collected the ones I visited: Maszlik Family Farm: / maslikcsaladigazdasag Petényi Kamra: / petenyikamra Nógrádi Vadaspark: / nogradivadaspark Misi Rétesháza: / misi-rétesháza-100155771896696 Fűtőház Brewery: / futohazsorfozde Editor-host: Anna Nemes Operator-editor: Ferenc Kónya, Ágnes Szász Snittman Pictures Kft.