Have you had a love failure? How are you? I know you are in a very difficult situation and you are not in a good mood, but being sad and upset does not fix anything! Cry, shed tears, but do not let your bad mood continue. Go through your mourning period, but then get up! I have told you everything you need to know about love failure! Be sure to watch this video completely and carefully, and if you have any questions, ask me, I will answer your questions with all my heart and soul as soon as possible. Don't forget to comment your opinion. Stay tuned. Thank you very much for supporting me by subscribing to the channel. If you want to be the first to see the videos of this channel, click the bell next to subscribe. Corrections: 05:00 This video is old. Click on this link to see the new video. • Love failure: What should I not do after the cut? If you want to download my non-face-to-face lessons, visit my website https://www.panah.co ==